Why Use Kbit URL Shortener & whats are the benefits of its?.

June 17, 2020
11 mins read
Why Use Kbit URL Shortener & whats are the benefits of its?.

Generally, A URL shortening service is a process on the Internet in which a Long (URL) can be very shorter in length and still redirect to the original or target page. This is achieved by using a redirect on a domain name that is short, which links to the web page that has a long URL.

For example, If we have long URL "http://passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/online/whatsNew" that can be easily converted/shortened to a small URL "https://kbit.co/t8jZ5". 

In the age of technology enhancement, there are several cases where we need to use URL Shortener Service as below we have listed some top cases.

When you want to share a links with your friends or relative or business etc. You feel difficult to share a long URL because of its length & remembering issue & there may be chance of to share a wrong URL also. In that cases, we can easily share a tiny/small URL after converting it by URL Shortener Service kbit.co.

This is especially convenient for messaging technologies while you are sending a Promotional/Transactional SMS that limits the number of 160 characters that may be used in a single message if you want to include a URL with that SMS also. In that case, you can use the URL Shortener Service and convert your long URL in small which can be save your money & time as well your SMS will look better as compared to put a long URL.

As we know on Twitter there is a limit to the number of characters a message can carry. Using a URL Shortener can allow linking to web pages which would otherwise violate this constraint. Sharing a link on social media is pretty useful to share a short URL that looks like awesome by hiding your very long & boring URL and remember. By using http://kbit.co you can share a short link directly on top social media like Facebook or Twitter by clicking the social media sharing buttons while you short your URL.

- As we have discussed here some cases there are several other cases where you need to use this service.

Why you should use only http://kbit.co URL Shortener Service as compared to others because of our important & unique features.

- By using http://kbit.co you can track your all links statistics like - total number of clicks, refer, share, location etc. that is not possible while you use your long URL.

- By using http://kbit.co you can put your converted links inside a single place on your account by SignUp a free account with us. And you can also re-use your Shorted links in future from your account by simply copy it there is no need to search or remember.

- You can also generate a QR code by shorting a link at kbit.co. URLs encoded in two-dimensional barcodes such as QR code are often shortened by a URL shortener in order to reduce the printed area of the code or allow printing at lower density in order to improve scanning reliability.